Hubertus Hunting Logo




Mid-Asian Ibex


Airport: Bishkek ( We recommend Turkish Airlines via Istanbul)

Hunting season: August 15- March 1 (Best time: 15 September – 15 November, and February)

Tropheys: Mid-Asian Ibex, Wolf

Type of hunting: stalking using horses and by foot

Hunting area: Hunt for Mid-Asian Ibex is one of the most excited and interesting hihg mountain hunts. Make it real! Highlands of the entire territory of Kyrgyzstan: Naryn and Issik-Kul regions. Altitude: base camps – 3000 m, hunting: 3500-4000 m above the sea level.

The transport:  8-10 hours from the capital  of Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek) to the selected camp, depending on camp distance.

Accomodation: All camps are equipped and outfitted with all stuff requiered for a succesful and pleasant hunting tour. We have all necessary gear, horses, comfortable cottages, wooden houses as well as experienced guides. There are abundance of pure water, hihg quality foodstuff and power supply.



Marco Polo Sheep (Karelini Argali)

We kindly offer you to hunt with us a Marco Polo Sheep on the northern area, Karelini Argali in the south. The hunt is orgenized from one of our 6 camps. Altitude of the camps: 3000 meters, hunt: 3500 meters. You can combine your hunt getting Mid-Asian Ibex and Wolf.

Duration of MP/Karelini hunting trip: 7 hunting days, combined hunt 10 hunting days.

Best time: October- November- January- February.